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      Committee Vote    THIRD READING (RCS# 0210)







                            THE OKLAHOMA STATE SENATE                       

                       1st Session of the 57th Legislature                  





    SENATE BILL 924            Immunizations; requiring assisted living     

    McCortney                  centers to post certain information;         

                               protecting centers from certain actions.     

                               Effective date.                              




    THIRD READING                                                            


         YEAS:   27                                            RCS#  210    

         NAYS:   19                                            3/07/2019    

         EXC :    2                                             11:16 AM    

         N/V :    0                                                         



    YEAS:   27


    Bergstrom         Dugger            Kirt              Rosino           

    Bice              Floyd             Matthews          Sharp            

    Boren             Hall              McCortney         Shaw             

    Brooks            Hicks             Montgomery        Smalley          

    Coleman           Howard            Paxton            Treat             

    David             Ikley-Freeman     Pemberton         Young            

    Dossett           Jech              Rader            



    NAYS:   19


    Allen             Haste             Pederson          Standridge       

    Boggs             Kidd              Quinn             Stanley          

    Bullard           Leewright         Scott             Thompson         

    Dahm              Murdock           Silk              Weaver           

    Daniels           Newhouse          Simpson          



    EXCUSED:    2


    Pugh              Stanislawski     



    N/V :    0

                                                         SENATE BILL 924           








                                 THE OKLAHOMA STATE SENATE






February 25, 2019






SB 924





By:                     McCortney of the Senate and Bush of the House



Title:                  Immunizations; requiring assisted living centers to provide certain information to residents; protecting centers from certain actions. Effective date.






Recommendation:         DO PASS AS AMENDED


Aye:                    Coleman, Daniels, Hicks, Ikley-Freeman, Rosino, Young, McCortney, Smalley


Nay:                    Pugh, Scott, Simpson, Standridge


Constitutional Privilege:    




