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     THIRD_READING (RCS# 1892)







                         OKLAHOMA HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES                     

                               Second Regular Session                          

                              58th Oklahoma Legislature                        



    HJR1070             Joint Resolution disapproving in whole certain         

    Vancuren            subject matter standards adopted by the State          


    THIRD               PASSED                                                 



         YEAS:   53                                                    RCS# 1892

         NAYS:   22                                                   05/19/2022

         EXC :   25                                                     05:12 PM

         C/P :    0                                                         1892



    YEAS:   53


    Baker              Fugate             McBride            Stinson            

    Bennett            Goodwin            McEntire           Strom             

    Blancett           Hasenbeck          Moore              Talley            

    Boatman            Hilbert            Munson             Townley           

    Burns              Hill               Nichols            Turner            

    Caldwell (T)       Kannady            Pae                Vancuren          

    Cornwell           Kerbs              Patzkowsky         Virgin            

    Culver             Lowe (D)           Phillips           Waldron           

    Davis              Lowe (J)           Randleman          Wallace           

    Dempsey            Luttrell           Ranson             West (J)          

    Dobrinski          Manger             Roberts (E)        West (T)          

    Dollens            Martinez           Rosecrants         Wolfley           

    Echols             May                Sterling           Mr. Speaker       




    NAYS:   22


    Bashore            Gann               Newton             Stearman          

    Boles              Grego              Olsen              West (K)          

    Caldwell (C)       Hardin (D)         Roberts (S)        West (R)          

    Conley             Kendrix            Smith              Williams          

    Crosswhite Hader   Lepak              Stark              Worthen           

    Ford               Miller                                                  



    EXCUSED:   25


    Bell               Johns              ODonnell           Roe               

    Brewer             Lawson             Osburn             Russ              

    Bush               Marti              Pfeiffer           Sims              

    Dills              McDugle            Pittman            Sneed             

    Frix               Mize               Provenzano         Steagall          

    Hardin (T)         Nollan             Roberts (D)        Walke             







    VACANCY:     1


